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Milky Way Conquest

This game was made by two Uni developers for our placement project and GamesFleadh. The game focuses on managing your ships specifications all the while battling enemies. Collect those items and prepare yourself for your conquest or downfall.

The game

You are alone against an endless armada of enemy ships. Not seeing you as much of a threat at first, build your reputation as a feared Space Privateer as you raid and loot enemy ships you build your own up in strength! But keep an eye on that fuel bar, it may be your downfall...

Types of enemies:

Scattered: Common surveyors, don't pose much of a threat on their own. But they can support formations and larger ships to become a nuisance.

Formation types: As in the name, they work in formations. Actively searching for privateers, they will strafe and try to ram the player. Dodge or repel them best you can! They will actively become more and more of a threat as they begin to see you as one. Every new wave will be worse than the last!

Barriers: Taking up the full length of the map, they are essentially enemy checkpoints. Instantly wiping out anyone foolish enough to not maintain a sufficient speed.

Capital Ships: Feared by all, they can tank a huge amount of damage. Supported by scattered ships, they prey on unprepared players. Taking down one of these will begin the next wave.

Orbital Beams: Arguably the most dangerous enemy, able to one shot any player like a barrier but speed won't save you here. You will be given a warning sound, then you must anticipate if the beam will show up on the left or right of you. Keep to the middle of the map for safety!


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Milky Way Conquest BuildV3 (For Itch).zip 33 MB

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